Academic Divisions
UCLA Ophthalmology Divisions cover the full range of eye disorders and include Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cornea and Uveitis, Glaucoma, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Ophthalmic Pathology, Orbital and Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Retina, Retinal and Ophthalmic Genetics, and Vision Science. Full-time faculty members in each division provide consultation and treatment, including surgical services. They have extensive, advanced training in ophthalmic subspecialties, which enables them to offer emerging therapies.
Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Cataract and Refractive Surgery provides expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the anterior segment, especially cataract and refractive errors. Faculty members perform state-of-the art refractive cataract surgery with multifocal, toric, and accommodating lens implants. They offer astigmatism management and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery. In addition, ophthalmologists provide the full range of refractive surgical procedures, including laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), astigmatism correction, and corneal inlays, both as initial procedures and as enhancements to previous refractivor cataract surgery.
Faculty & Staff
John Bartlett, MD
Shawn Lin, MD
Kenneth Lu, MD
, Chief
Mitra Nejad, MD
Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Comprehensive Ophthalmology provides general eye care for patients, including medical and surgical services. If specialized care is needed, specialty services are available in the areas of corneal and external ocular disease, retina, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, low vision rehabilitation, and orbital and ophthalmic plastic surgery. Full-time faculty ophthalmologists provide comprehensive medical and surgical eye care.
Faculty & Staff
Laura Bonelli, MD
Rachel Feit-Leichman, MD
Amanda Lu, MD
Tania Onclinx, MD
Vivian Qin, MD
Susan Ransome, MD
Meryl Shapiro-Tuchin, MD
Daniel Sand, MD, Chief
Ronald Smith, MD
Cornea and Uveitis
Cornea and Uveitis faculty specialize in the diagnosis and management of diseases of the external surface and anterior segment of the eye. Areas of interest include diseases of the cornea, conjunctiva and lens; tumors and degenerations of the iris; and uveitis. Special programs include the Corneal Ulcer Service and the Laser Refractive Center.
Faculty & Staff
Saba Al-Hashimi, MD
Benjamin Bert, MD
Bonnet, Clemence, MD, PhD
, Co-Chief SEI
Simon Fung, MD
Gary Holland, MD
Hugo Y Hsu, MD, Chief DEI
John Irvine, MD
Batool Jafri, MD
Boris Malyugin, MD, PhD
Edmund Tsui, MD
Victoria H. Yom, MD, DEI
Vivian Shibayama, OD
Glaucoma faculty provides expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of primary, secondary and complicated glaucoma problems in patients of all ages. Related anterior segment disorders, including cataract, are also treated medically or surgically. Modern diagnostic tests include automated visual field testing, retinal nerve fiber layer photography, stereoscopic disc photography and computerized optic disc analysis. Current medical and surgical management includes new topical medications; argon, N-YAG and pulsed-dye laser therapy; glaucoma filtration and seton surgical procedures; and combined surgery for glaucoma and cataract. Comprehensive consultations as well as extended follow-up care of complicated glaucoma problems are provided.
Faculty & Staff
Reza Alizadeh, MD
Joseph Caprioli, MD
Vikas Chopra, MD
Anne Coleman, MD, PhD, Chair in Ophthalmology
Brian Francis, MD, Chief DEI
JoAnn Giaconi, MD
Simon Law, MD, PharmD
Kouros Nouri-Mahdavi, MD, Chief SEI
Victoria Tseng, MD, PhD
Soluemeh Abadi, OD
Neuro-Ophthalmology faculty provides diagnostic and management consultation for patients with optic neuropathies, eye movement abnormalities, orbital diseases and other neurologic disorders affecting the visual system. In conjunction with the Optic Neuropathy Center and the Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, comprehensive inpatient and outpatient evaluation is available.
Faculty & Staff
Anthony Arnold, MD, Chief, SEI
Laura Bonelli, MD
Alexander Fein, MD
Lynn K. Gordon, MD, PhD
Peter Quiros, MD
Alfredo Sadun, MD, PhD, Chief DEI
Ophthalmic Pathology
Ophthalmic Pathology faculty is concerned with the processing of cytology and tissue specimens from the eye and orbit. The service processes and interprets surgical, cytology and autopsy specimens, with special interest in ocular and lacrimal gland neoplasms and fine needle aspiration of tumors in the eye and orbit.
Faculty & Staff
Orbital and Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery
Orbital and Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery faculty specializes in diseases and surgery of the eyelids and orbit, including trauma, tumors, congenital defects, eyelid malpositions, thyroid eye (Graves') diseases, optic nerve decompression surgery, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, and disorders of the lacrimal system. Comprehensive evaluations are provided for patients with orbital, lacrimal and eyelid disorders. Advanced orbital imaging studies including orbital ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging with ultrafine surface coils are also available. We offer he latest techniques in aesthetic reconstructive surgery, including laser blepharoplasty, laser skin resurfacing, Restylane and Botox, and endoscopic eyebrow lifts through its Aesthetic Center.
Faculty & Staff
Cynthia Boxrud, MD
Robert Goldberg, MD, Chief
Justin Karlin, MD
Daniel Rootman, MD
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus faculty is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders in children and strabismus in adults. Physicians are especially interested in strabismus, retinopathy of prematurity, congenital cataracts and glaucoma. Sophisticated orthoptic diagnosis and therapy are utilized, including visual acuity testing in infants.
Faculty & Staff
Joseph Demer, MD, PhD, Chief
Mona Fayed, MD
Simon Fung, MD
Monica R. Khitri, MD
Soh Youn Suh, MD
Federico Velez, MD
Retina faculty are concerned with consultation, diagnosis, medical management and surgical care of diseases of the retina, vitreous and choroid. Special interests include retinal detachment surgery, retinal and choroidal disease management, diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular diseases, macular degeneration, ophthalmic oncology and uveal melanoma, retinitis pigmentosa and degenerative diseases, uveitis, ocular trauma and low vision rehabilitation.
Faculty & Staff
Retinal Disorders and Ophthalmic Genetics
The Retinal Disorders and Ophthalmic Genetics faculty specialize in comprehensive care of retinal conditions, including diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. Services include diagnostic evaluations with state of the art imaging and electrophysiological systems, genetics management incorporating mutational analysis and family counseling, and therapeutic strategies including intraocular injections and medical and laser therapies. Clinical and basic science research into retinal disorders, especially hereditary retinal dystrophies and degenerations, represents another major role.
Faculty & Staff
Michael Gorin, MD, PhD
Phillip Le, MD, PhD
Colin McCannel, MD, Interim Chief
Basic Science
Vision science laboratories form a foundation of basic research upon which clinical and translational practices can be implemented. The Vision Science Division consists of laboratories spanning a wide range of topics across eye biology aimed at elucidating fundamental mechanisms of eye function and dysfunction. In addition to research activities, laboratories also are integrally involved in the training of next generation ophthalmologists and vision scientists.
Faculty Vision Scientists
, Chief
Deming Sun, MD
Yuhua Zhang, PhD
Research Scientists
Steven A. Barnes, PhD, DEI
Suraj P. Bhat, PhD, SEI
Nicholas C. Brecha, PhD, SEI
Deborah A. Ferrington, PhD, DEI
Gregory Field, PhD, SEI
Benjamin J. Glasgow, MD, SEI
Zhihong (Jewel) Hu, PhD, DEI
Wayne L. Hubbell, PhD, SEI
Ram Kannan, PhD, DEI
Yi-Rong Peng, PhD, SEI
Natik Piri, PhD, SEI
Roxana A. Radu, PhD, SEI
Alapakkam P. Sampath, PhD, SEI
Deming Sun, MD, DEI
Hui Sun, PhD, SEI
Gabriel Travis, MD, SEI
David S. Williams PhD, SEI
Xian-Jie Yang, PhD, SEI
Yuhua Zhang, PhD, DEI
Jie J. Zheng, PhD, SEI
SEI = Stein Eye Institute;
DEI = Doheny Eye Institute
Additional Information
(310) 825-4617